
Rating of the Best CRM Systems by Kasyanenko Evgeniy

Rating of the Best CRM Systems by Kasyanenko Evgeniy

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Artificial Intelligence: All the “Pros” and “Cons.” AI Breakdown by Evgeny Kasyanenko

I am Evgeny Kasyanenko, and I am glad to welcome you to the company blog. Today, we will continue to explore the topic of AI integration for business and focus on its strengths and weaknesses. After all, this is a new technology, and it comes with its own risks. Can these be mitigated? Are they significant for business? You'll learn about this and much more from the article.

What is a neural network (artificial intelligence): Evgeny Kasyanenko on AI in simple terms

Let’s talk about neural networks and AI? Evgeny Kasyanenko on industry trends in simple terms I am Evgeny Kasyanenko, and I am pleased to welcome you to the blog. Today, I will talk to you about concepts like AI and neural networks. Yes, the integration of artificial intelligence and the use of neural networks have become trends in the industry over the past couple of years. Today, I will take you on a journey into the world of AI and neural networks, discussing their possibilities and benefits for businesses. AI and neural networks are functional tools that are gradually penetrating all areas. The integration of AI often goes unnoticed by most users; they may not even realize that they interact with artificial intelligence every day. But what is artificial intelligence? How does AI differ from neural networks? Let’s figure it out together.

Blog Blockchain
What Is Blockchain: Yevhen Kasianenko Explains Blockchain in Simple Terms
Blog Blockchain

And hello again! This is Yevhen Kasianenko, and today we continue exploring how modern technologies can enhance your business. In today’s blog on, I’ll be telling you about blockchain. Get comfortable, and let’s dive in. Ok Google, what is blockchain? Blockchain is a decentralized digital system. Its main purpose is to store and transfer data. The entire system is built from blocks linked together by cryptographic algorithms.

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Сomplex It-solutions. What do the complex it-solutions consist of?
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When switching from the box solutions to the own solutions, many businesses make the same mistake - develop their IT infrastructure with separate point solutions created by different contractors. That’s why there are difficulties with the data processing and business processes, divergences between contractors and department, and the most important - problems when using all IT solutions of the company together. Complex it solutions are created to solve this problem, particularly with their help you can reach better automation of the business processes and indicators, and open new opportunities for the business growth.

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What is React Native development and how does it apply to development?
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React Native is a cross-platform framework (programming platform) developed by Facebook, aka Meta. It has open source code and is used to develop native desktop and mobile applications in JavaScript and TypeScript programming languages. React Native framework supports platforms like iOS, macOS, tvOS, Android, Android TV, Web, UWP, Windows. It has the React library, which allows developers outside the browser to create mobile and desktop applications with full access to the system APIs of the platforms.

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