#artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: All the “Pros” and “Cons.” AI Breakdown by Evgeny Kasyanenko

I am Evgeny Kasyanenko, and I am glad to welcome you to the Kiss.software company blog. Today, we will continue to explore the topic of AI integration for business and focus on its strengths and weaknesses. After all, this is a new technology, and it comes with its own risks. Can these be mitigated? Are they significant for business? You'll learn about this and much more from the article.


Advantages of using AI

I have already mentioned that AI has become one of the key technologies actively used across a wide range of industries, from pharmaceuticals to marketing. Yes, AI opens new possibilities for business processes, but it has its own nuances and drawbacks.

But let's take it step by step. First, we will carefully review all of its strengths, and then move on to the drawbacks and specifics of AI integration.

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Advantages of Using AI in Business

1.New Opportunities for Automating Work Processes.
Integrating AI will allow you to automate routine processes and operational tasks. This way, you can reduce the burden on your employees and give them more creative, innovative tasks.

What tasks can be redirected to AI? For example, you can automate the delivery system using delivery robots (even within the company). Imagine that employees don’t spend time transporting files, reports, and corporate mail; instead, robots do all this. You can go further and create a dedicated AI-based mail delivery system, as done by Starship Technologies.

2. Helps Improve Customer Service Levels.
I have mentioned before, and I will say it again about the analytical capabilities of AI. They far exceed those of any specialized expert. Integrating AI into business will help analyze customer preferences better and faster, creating targeted recommendations based on their purchase history and behavior.

3. Making Unbiased, Well-Founded Decisions.
AI lacks feelings and emotions. It is a machine capable of thinking only pragmatically and calculatively. Its task is to accurately and quickly analyze data and make decisions that will benefit the business. Doubting the results? Goldman Sachs won't lie, as they have been using AI to analyze investment markets for years.

4. Optimizing Production.
If your business is related to manufacturing, you will definitely appreciate the results of integration. Tesla uses AI to improve assembly lines and control product quality. Nothing prevents you from doing the same. Eliminate the human factor and gain an unbiased analyst.

5. Upgrading Company Security Systems.
There are many options for using AI to improve security algorithms. For example, you can use its capabilities to work with surveillance cameras in manufacturing, offices, or cities. Yes, there is already a project called Safe City in Singapore. AI helps analyze and detect suspicious activities among pedestrians, significantly reducing crime rates.

6. Developing Services and Technologies Together with AI.
AI stimulates innovation. Large companies are constantly looking for new, interesting, and effective ways to apply technology to business. This is beneficial not only for the company itself but also for clients, as they receive new products and experiences.

Costs and Risks of Using AI

Despite numerous advantages, AI also brings with it a range of problems and risks that cannot be ignored.

General Issues of AI Integration

Let's now look at the aspect of AI integration as a social issue. This question has been raised frequently lately, and it cannot be ignored.

1.Job Losses in Enterprises and Large Companies.
This is quite a popular topic for reflection and analysis, to be honest. In recent years, more and more giant companies have begun to abandon the use of humans in their operations. For example, Xiaomi created a smartphone manufacturing plant that has no human workers. The factory is fully robotic: from the component delivery system to internal logistics and device assembly. It operates around the clock, and its efficiency is hundreds of times higher than factories employing people.

2. Ethical Issues.
How ethical is it to use AI? Have you ever thought about this? No, not from the perspective of robot exploitation, but from the viewpoint of algorithmic bias and information privacy. Take, for example, AI that deals with facial recognition and identifying individuals. It has faced criticism for violating human rights, which can lead to errors—serious errors. Imagine that a criminal escapes from a crime scene, but there was an AI camera. The artificial intelligence incorrectly identified the person.

3. Safety and Misuse of AI.
AI can and is actively used to create malware, conduct hacking attacks, and obtain illegal information. For example, GPT has an open-source code, meaning anyone can start experimenting with it.

Some dark web users took advantage of this and created their version of Chat GPT, which can casually tell you all about explosives, robberies, diversions, and write malicious code, among other things.

4. Centralization of Systems and Resources.
For AI to function properly, immense computational power is required. This power is found in monopolistic companies, such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. This leads to the monopolization of technologies, and smaller players automatically become dependent on the large giants.

A recent situation with NVidia serves as a good example. The company is involved in creating critical computational resources for AI. Its stock prices are soaring, and the management has decided to direct its main resources to this area. Meanwhile, the creation of graphics cards is put on the back burner. As a result, we face a (still minor) shortage of graphics cards and the suffering of gamers.

5. Legal and Regulatory Issues.
AI is evolving very quickly, not only thanks to developers but also due to the self-learning system. Legal norms and laws simply cannot keep pace with technological advancements and AI itself. This creates "gaps" in the law.

A good example could be the case of autonomous taxis. More and more, we see videos online where patrol officers stop a car, and it does not comply with police orders. The passenger becomes a hostage in the situation. What should be done in such a case? Who is at fault?

Order AI Integration from the Professionals at Kiss.software

If you have been considering integrating AI into your business, it’s time to act. As you can see, large companies and brands are actively leveraging the capabilities of machine learning and process automation. Yes, AI has its costs and operational peculiarities, but a knowledgeable development team can take these into account and conduct the integration in the best way possible.

Why Clients Choose Kiss.software?

  • The team consists of specialists with many years of experience in AI, machine learning, and automation.
  • Our team is always available and regularly holds meetings with clients. You will see all stages of integration and results.
  • Honest feedback and direct communication come first. Honesty and transparency during collaboration help make timely adjustments to the project and achieve the desired result.
  • We select a stack of specialists and technological solutions based on the requirements and specifics of the project.
  • Long-term support and updates of AI solutions for your business. Your system will always align with market trends and demands.
  • When integrating AI, we take into account all potential risks and dangers. We do everything possible to minimize the likelihood of data leakage or other sensitive information.

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