#mobile development

What is Flutter and what opportunities it opens for the mobile cross platform app development?

Flutter is the framework with the open code developed by the Google company, launched in 2017. Since that time, it’s one of the top-3 solutions of this niche. It is used by such big companies as Alibaba, Google Ads, AppTree, Reflectly and My Leaf. It proves the high quality of the framework.

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Flutter is the framework with the open code developed by the Google company, launched in 2017. Since that time, it’s one of the top-3 solutions of this niche. It is used by such big companies as Alibaba, Google Ads, AppTree, Reflectly and My Leaf. It proves the high quality of the framework.

The usage of Flutter allows creating cross platform apps for iOS and Android platforms in a quick way. Thanks to Flutter, you can reduce financial and temporary expenses for development, as there’s no need to create another separate application for each platform as it happens on native solutions.

Flutter doesn’t use native components. Instead, UI elements are created in the framework with the graphic motor.

It means all graphic elements visible in the users’ interface are created on the base of the ready widgets.


What are the tasks of the Flutter cross platform mobile app development?


Cross platform and savings on the resources for development

The framework of Flutter enables to avoid creating two separate applications for iOS and Android.

With Flutter, mobile application is created only one time, and it’s compatible to iOS and Android. It allows creating and launching the application in the market faster, and obviously, avoid expenses and problems related to the double development and search of developers for each platform.


Universality and width of usage

Compared to React Native, Flutter is less dependent on the other components libraries that in React Native can be incompatible with some platforms.



Flutter uses a completely new approach to rendering compared to React Native.

The framework Flutter allows creating own widgets, and for rendering graphic processor is applied, while React Native uses native components from the libraries, and it affects the productivity.

The programming language also plays an important role. Flutter uses Dart. Written code is compiled into ARM code that is processed quickly by the processor.

The framework React Native uses JavaScript and the bridge applied for the interpretation of UI elements calls Java API, or Objective-C in order to reflect the components iOS and Android. Sometimes, it slows down the work of applications.


How is the cross platform app development on Flutter?


To implement own mobile application, the mobile platform app developer on Flutter will be required.

Obviously, you can find a freelance developer, or hire an employee to the staff of the company, however, it suggests certain risks, for example lack of competence of the specialist and inability to check his expertise, communication problems with other employees, or contractors.

Such risks have two key negative aspects—possible loss of money in case of low developer level, and time wasted on the search of developer, communication, amendments and check of the developed solution. Wasted time causes even higher financial losses, as the speed or readiness of the application and its launch in the market is directly related to the profitability.

There’s also another way—request the services of the flutter cross-platform app development company.

It increases the quality of development, and gives extra guarantees of the high-quality and timely implementation carried out by the experienced team.

Over 10 years, KISS company has been working with mobile development for big corporations, banking sector, startups and crypto projects.

We ensure not only the high level of cross platform app development on Flutter but also analyze the business of our client in order to offer innovative solutions that enable to develop faster, stay step ahead competitors, and apply leading IT, marketing and mobile development technologies for the business growth.

Cross platform mobile app development of Flutter with .K.I.S.S. gives you:

• simple and convenient modern solution, even the most complicated

• opportunity to create turnkey cross-platform mobile app on Flutter — from the innovative idea for your product to the successful launch in the market, and further technical support

• financial guarantees for the timely accomplishment of each development stage and all data privacy

If you have any questions regarding cross platform mobile app on Flutter or other development, marketing or product launch in the new markets issues-leave your request, and get a free consultation from our experts.

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