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What are it solutions and how useful they can be for the business?

The term IT solution includes many different developments. Its unique and main goal is to increase the efficiency of business. IT solutions are necessary for any business, and in order to understand the range of the existing it solutions, we will put several examples!

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Popular and demanded IT solutions for business



Due to the popularity of the classic cloud services insufficient for the needs of the large businesses, multicloud IT solutions appeared, and they’re becoming more demanded day after day.

The key advantage of the multicloud IT solutions is the optimization of the expenses for their usage and growth of the work efficiency.

It’s almost impossible to find all the necessary functionality in one cloud solution, therefore appeared a need to use several cloud solutions. Together, they ensure the coherent work and efficient growth.

The key advantage of the multicloud IT solutions is the control of all cloud services, instruments and applications from the one platform.


Disaster recovery systems

Disaster resistance of the IT infrastructure is very relevant for the business as the loss of the data due to the equipment failure, or force-major circumstances is inadmissible.

To avoid the loss of data, and provide their safety and security, business needs to gave clear infrastructure and algorithm of actions for untypical situations as well as special IT developments that can ensure the data backup and disaster recovery.

When developing such IT solutions, it’s necessary to create a special document with a set of actions, approaches and principles for the recovery of the business processes after such force major situations.

Such document is always individual, and depends on the business field and possible risks and threats.


Systems for cybersecurity, control and work with incidents

Another important direction of the business IT solutions is cybersecurity.

The security system should be built taking into account the original business data, activity field, existing and appearing risks.

Cybersecurity problems and insufficient security level may cause millions of dollars losses, collapse of the whole business and its reputation as well as criminal proceedings.

Cybersecurity IT solution needs to detect threats and vulnerabilities that must be removed as soon as possible.

Besides, it also refers to the algorithm of actions for incidents related to cybersecurity. It allows business reacting such incidents fast, initiating the research and removal of the problem. Speed is extremely important in this issue. The faster you detect the loss of data and funds the higher your chance to minimize the consequences and avoid your business collapse will be.

Finally, cybersecurity IT solutions include monitoring of the employees’ actions, ensuring security of all devices with the Wi-Fi module, different authentication methods and confirmations of important steps.


Analytics and AI

IT solutions in this field enable to speed up and automate processes of collecting, sorting and analyzing information that can be not high-quality enough and contain mistakes caused by the human factor.

AI IT solutions for business allow carrying out difficult analytics, gathering data from different sources and opening opportunities for quick forecasts in the necessary issues and directions.

Artificial intelligence is extremely demanded in industry, retail, financial sector, healthcare, transportation and logistics, animal husbandry and agriculture, TV communications and machinery.


Advantages and opportunities IT solutions open for business


Automate, increase productivity and efficiency

Automation of the business processes is one of the first steps any business should pass through at each new growth stage so that the routine work doesn’t take a lot of time and resources. Besides, it opens new horizons for development of the company.

Lack of technological solutions impedes the growth, and the employees can’t perform with the necessary quality level.

The complete IT ecosystem ensures fast and efficient work, gives more opportunities for scaling the business.


Less expenses, more profits

The development of the IT solutions can be paid off at the medium-term perspective as it opens next business development and growth level that simply can’t be reached if you use the current IT infrastructure.

IT solutions is the means for achieving goals. Imagine you have a goal - get to point B from point A. Obviously, if you do that with the premium class car it will be faster, safer and more comfortable. And sometimes, you face obstacles on this way that just can’t be overcome with the ordinary budget car.


Increasing client’s service quality

The development of the IT solutions for analytics allows getting the most relevant data about the needs of the clients and its solution in a fast, simple way. It is really crucial for big companies that have lots of competitors in the market.

Therefore, such data enable you to improve the service quality, get more loyal clients, recommendations and new potential orders.

And it leads us to the next point.


Growth of your revenue

The research held by Oxford Economics states that:

more than 80% of businesses that implemented new technologies and completed the digital transformation, declared the growth of their revenue. 

85% of that businesses informed about the successful growth of their positions in the market.

Businesses leading in the informational technologies, forecast the revenue 25% more compared to the competitors.


Sustainability against crisis

Well-developed IT infrastructure and business processes help to adjust to different changes in the field. Therefore, while you face complicated moments, you can still find new growth zones and stay “alive” as it happened with many online sales when the coronavirus pandemic started.

At that time, businesses that didn’t have the appropriate IT infrastructure had to close, or lost a significant part of their capital, or had to request development urgently losing the chance to conquer the market first and overcome competitors.


Where and how to order IT solutions?

There are many IT solutions in the market, however, taking into account the importance of such decision for your business, it is risky to try implementing new technologies and digital transformation of your business with freelance or staff employees’ services.

Firstly, one or several employees from different fields won’t provide you with the complex business analysis and best solutions.

Secondly, such approach suggests a lot of risks as you need to establish the right communication between your directives and hired specialists, order proof checks from the third parties and make amendments. And in worse cases, you will have to do it again from the scratch.

And obviously, such mistakes when choosing the right contractors cause financial losses due to the lack of competence, time you spent on the digital transformation etc.

The most reliable and profitable option for the digital transformation of the business will be the IT solutions company, with large experience and wide opportunities in the business analysis and development of different IT solutions.

Since 2006, .K.I.S.S. company has been developing a wide range of IT solutions, including complex IT solutions for Corporations, infrastructure IT solutions, solutions for medium and small business, IT solutions for Startups, crypto projects and all existing niches of business.

We provide the complex solution of business tasks in IT development with our team of 30+ specialists.

In the already launched projects, we can attract our developers within 24 hours in order to implement new tasks of your business.

The timely accomplishment of each development stage and data privacy are supported by our financial responsibility.

Our team accomplishes not only all necessary development tasks but also analyzes the needs of your business, competitors, and offers innovative solutions that are carried out easily with the team of your employees!

.K.I.S.S. provides IT solutions for USA, Europe, Asia and Latin America. Among our clients, large world and Ukrainian companies: Mercedes Benz, Ernst & Young, Liberty Bank, Aeron, Chronobase, Medbook.

In order to understand what IT solutions your business needs for quick growth and new profitability levels - leave your request for the free consultation from our experts!

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