#web development

What is eCommerce and is developing a ecommerce website profitable for business?

The sphere is developing actively for almost 30 years, almost any company is represented on the internet, has its own website, promotes and sells services through the internet. This sphere exploded drastically due to the pandemic. Some ecommerce web development service grew up for hundreds percents.

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eCommerce is a separate direction of economics and business where the whole deal cycle from the acquaintance with the goods to the order and payment occurs on the internet. If the payment is carried out in the post office after the receipt, then it’s also eCommerce.

The sphere is developing actively for almost 30 years, almost any company is represented on the internet, has its own website, promotes and sells services through the internet.
This sphere exploded drastically due to the pandemic. Some ecommerce web development service grew up for hundreds percents.

eCommerce combines the advantages both for consumers and business making the development in this field attractive and promising.

  • eCommerce gives the users an opportunity to view, order, pay and get goods from home. Besides, goods on the internet can be compared, and thanks to the innovative technologies - even fitted online.

  • Companies of any size can expand with eCommerce, launch in the new markets and regions, raise business processes efficiency and increase sales without opening physical representative offices and shops that help to avoid unnecessary expenses. Besides, it’s possible to sell products by drop-shipping, without buying goods and earning with own surcharges.

New businesses with small volumes can use ready solutions like Shopify. When the sales volumes grow, or even if your company is big, custom ecommerce development services become necessary.


What kinds and categories of e-commerce exist?


B2B – business-to-business

It means your business provides services, products and solutions for other businesses.

For example, you produce the equipment for car services, and sell it on the internet.


B2C – business-to-consumer

It means you produce products, or provide services for the end consumers.
For example, you sell clothes, smartphones, exotic fruits etc to the retail customers.

If you sell big volumes to those who resell your products, or uses them for their technological processes, for example cooking food in the restaurant, then it’s B2B.


C2C – customer-to-customer

Example - you buy the product and sell it to other customers, however, you don’t produce this product on your own.

Frequently, such business is carried out through the large marketplaces or own instashops.
If the business is successful and grows, you can think about your own eCommerce solution - ready one or created individually for you.

C2B – consumer-to-business

It means you produce goods or provide services, however, not for the end customers but for the business that resells your products or requires your services, for example, sophisticated equipment repairs.


How starts the development of an online store?

  1. Analysis

Firstly, it’s necessary to analyze the market, geolocation you are going to work with, and define the value and demand of the sphere you are going to sell goods or provide services in.

For example, parts for agricultural machinery will be much more demanded in the farming regions compared to the large cities and metropolis that have nothing to do with products cultivation.


  1. Finding the niche

For example, luxury watch repairs services will have demand in metropolis and big resorts compared to the small towns with 50-400k inhabitants. You can check the number of search queries in your region through Google Ads Keywords Planner.


  1. Strategy and unique offer.

Once you have determined geolocation for your work and sphere, you need to analyze competitors and create as profitable offer as possible for the potential clients.

For example, you decide to sell parts for agricultural machinery and you see the competitors have the same prices and offers with the cashback for the next purchases, you can leave the same prices, however, offer better conditions for the technical maintenance services or it’s delivery/installation.


  1. e-Commerce solution

If you’re starting with the small volumes and you’re not planning the fast sales growth by 5-10 times or more, you can use a ready solution like Shopify and WooCommerce.

Obviously, these platforms have some cons and charge usage fee, however, they are almost ideal for the new businesses.

If you work with big volumes, and you are just starting to sell on the internet, it’s better to create e-commerce site  that corresponds your needs, new regions and countries for the promotion. Here, you need more investments, however, there are no usage fees for your own solution, it’s more comfortable and smooth.


  1. Promotion

This question is described in a separate block below.


How to promote e-commerce website solutions


In order to promote e-Commerce, you need employees with expertise in this issue, personal promotion education and a lot of time for that, or e-commerce development company, that can provide the entire cycle of services and appropriate advertising promotion.

Key tools for e-Commerce promotion:



It consists in writing a lot of articles with the keywords that correspond to your business, and the further work for its promotion.

SEO-promotion doesn’t last one month or two months, however, if you do it properly, your website can reach high positions in the search engines systems when users enter the keywords from your field.


Contextual advertising

A quick way to get orders that is necessary to connect from the very beginning of your business in order not to wait for the SEO-promotion results.

We recommend to hold contextual advertising and SEO-promotion at the same time.

The contextual advertisement appears when you put a search query in Google, and above you will see the websites with the add mark. Besides, contextual advertising can be configured for special websites your audience visits frequently. Your ads will be shown there.


Large aggregators and marketplaces

Another sales channel you should test as the essential part of sales is made through aggregators and marketplaces.

Examples of such resources: Rozetka, OLX, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Alibaba


Social networks

Here, you need to post content related to your products and promote them with the target advertising and opinion leaders in your field.

For many e-Commerce fields and businesses, social networks are the key sales channel.


Mobile application

It’s a good option for big businesses with large sales volumes and budgets, as it’s better to order this service from the ecommerce app development companies. It supposes significant expenses, nevertheless, it’s much more reliable than using freelance developers services.

With the mobile application promotion within the first months after release, you can attract dozens or even hundreds of thousands of active users. A part of them will make orders soon.

Let’s make a short conclusion. Many e-Commerce businesses launch contextual and target advertising, launch in the marketplaces and aggregators. Then, it’s possible to try SEO-promotion, mobile app development and advertising through influencers.


Get acquainted! KISS -  Leading ecommerce development company. 

We have been working since 2006, creating e-commerce website solutions and other solutions not only efficient but simple and easy to use.


What ecommerce web development services and promotion we provide:

Developing ecommerce website - one of the most popular services our team provides as a turnkey solution.

Ecommerce website design and development services are relevant both for online businesses and companies that want to grow in the eCommerce field.

The optimization of the solution with the advertising campaigns for the sales growth.

Promotion services (SEO, contextual advertising, advertising in social networks, listing and promotion at the aggregators, mobile apps promotion) we provide such services both to the clients who created eCommerce from the scratch and the clients who already have their own eCommerce - no matter if it’s a ready solution like Shopify and WooCommerce, or an individual one. 

In case the company makes sales through the internet ecommerce development services are necessary for the current website modernization, implementing automation and relevant add-ons, or   Building an ecommerce website from the scratch in case the current solution is not appropriate.

In case the company has no experience of sales through the internet, ecommerce website development is carried out from the scratch taking into account all the tasks of your business, necessary automation and functionality solutions, possibility for significant sales growth saving the efficiency and speed of the orders processing.

Develop an ecommerce website is a responsible and difficult task that should be completed by the professionals from the first attempt so that you don’t lose money and time you may spend on changing bad solution instead of getting more sales.

Commerce website development process  from the scratch to the first sales takes 4-6 months. Within that time, it’s possible to make sales only through the website you used before contacting us, or through the light landing we gonna develop so that you can start selling through the internet before we finish development.

ecommerce website development services are provided by many companies, however, KISS is the best ecommerce development company.

In order to get to know what exactly you need in eCommerce development and promotion, book a free 30 minutes consultation below!

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